Open-handed playing is not only for left-handed players but opens up a whole new world of possibilities for every drummer. The stickings change, the orchestration options change and also your independence will profit from experimenting with switching the hands every once in a while. Those courses are designed to start right with your first open-handed groove and take you all the way to pretty elaborated grooves and fills. Have fun exploring the possibilities of open-handed drumming.
Playing open-handed means playing without crossing your hands at any given moment. Artists like Simon Philips and Claus Hessler are just two of the most famous amongst the countless drummers using this technique. No matter if you want to switch to ... »
When you are confident with 8th note grooves in an open-handed context, it is now time to go one step further. Changing the subdivision to 16th notes opens up a whole new world of rythmic possibilities. Max Hofmann guides you through some of his ... »
Shuffle grooves are the most common ternary grooves. While 8th and 16th note grooves are based on binary subdivisions, shuffle grooves are based on triplets. A ternary subdivion has a completely different feel and adding those grooves to your ... »
One of the biggest advantages of playing open-handed is the ability to play fills with your right hand while the left hand stays on the hi-hat. Playing that way enables you to keep the groove going while you adding fills that make use of the whole ... »
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